Cave Story is a freeware PC game made in 2004 by a japanese programmer named Pixel. And if you're here, then you probably already know that, so I'll cut to the chase. ;) This page is for updates concerning the in-progress now-defunct Nintendo GBA/DS homebrew ports of the game.
Here are the last demos for each platform that I was personally involved in.
Here are the last demos for each platform that I was personally involved in.
Nintendo DS
csds-npcs.nds | A playable demo of several rooms, with all their NPCs intact. (No guns though.) |
csds-mushrooms.nds | Demo of NPC movement, with Quote playable. |
csdemo.nds | Map-only demo of several rooms; scroll with the D-pad, change songs with the shoulder buttons, change rooms with the touch screen. |
Gameboy Advance
mapTest.gba | Playable demo of Quote in several sample rooms; no NPCs or music. |
organya.gba | Listen to the Cave Story soundtrack on your GBA. (The DS version sounds much better!) |